Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pizza + Climbing Trees = a Broken Arm.

Waiting for a x-ray at the hospital at Kudjip

Sore arm.

On Friday night, we were having a lovely end-of-the-week pizza night with a couple of other MAF families, and our Meggy fell our of a tree and hurt her wrist. Lesson learnt... slippery hands from greasy pizza and tree climbing do not mix!

Fortunately, David Mills (a family friend and doctor) happened to be in town. Dave and his family normally live out bush a couple of hours drive away, so we got him to look at her arm and confirmed that Meggy had indeed broken her wrist, and a trip to the Kudjip hospital was in order.

Dave kindly offered to come with us to the hospital the following morning, and set the arm himself (saving us hours of waiting in queues). When we arrived at the hospital the next morning, we were delighted to discover that there was a Orthopedic Surgeon from America visiting the hospital for a few weeks, and he was more than happy to help us out. God really looked after our Meggy!


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