Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Bread and the Wine

A friend sent this to us this week. Her son was expressing his understanding of communion – I think its beautiful!

He looks at the plate and then takes the smallest piece of bread (that's where the whole explanation started - he felt like he needed to tell my why he was taking so long carefully scoping out which piece of bread he wanted to take.) Then he went on to explain..... the bread is the body of Jesus, so he takes the smallest one, because it is the little baby. (At this point he wanted me to put my bread next to his - which thankfully it was bigger than his so still fits in with his theory - I am the mommy bread....) So his is the baby bread. Then he puts it in his mouth, but he doesn't chew it, he just puts it up on the top of his mouth until it gets "easy enough to swallow." In other words...soggy.... Then he swallows it whole, because he doesn't want to break up the baby. Then, he takes the juice, and drinks it. And that's the blood. So when he swallows the juice, it becomes the blood again and it hits the baby bread in his tummy, and because it's the body of Jesus, it comes alive again when it gets the blood part. They mix together and become alive, "And when I swallow the juice, and it's going down to my tummy, it doesn't even say 'I'm trying, I'm trying'.... It says 'we did it!! We did it!!! And that is how Jesus lives in me, Mommy."

And that, my friends, is what communion means to my son....not bad, huh???


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