Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Our last prayer letter from PNG - with all our love.

July, 2008

Dear Friends,

It is with mixed emotions that we sit down to write what will be our last prayer email from PNG. It is always hard to say goodbye.

We want to thank you all again for your constant prayers, love and support. Your partnership with us over these past 12 years in our work with Mission Aviation Fellowship has been invaluable. We simply couldn’t have done it without you. We thank God for you! Thank you for making it possible for us to be here.

Our last month here in PNG has been exciting as we have seen the arrival of a new aircraft to the program. It really has been the ‘cherry on the cake’ of our time here in P.N.G. Sandy was given the job of collecting the caravan (C208) from Cairns in Australia a few weeks ago, and he has been flying non-stop ever since. It is always a treat to be a part of the introduction of a new aircraft, so we thank God for this Caravan and pray that MAF would use it well here in PNG, to the glory of God!

We were thrilled to hear that MAF has appointed a new program manager for our PNG program. Please thank God with us, and pray for Patrick and Alison Williams as they plan and prepare to come to Mt Hagan in the next few months.

Tomorrow all MAF International staff will be meeting near the town of Garoka for our annual four day international staff conference. Please pray that this would be a refreshing and encouraging time as we worship and learn together and catch up with one another. For our little family, this is a poignant time as we say goodbye to precious friends and co-workers from around PNG.

As we step out to start a new chapter in our life we would ask that you pray that we would be able to lean deep into God and trust him for our future. We are in need of jobs, a home and a good school for the children, as well as a church family. Please pray that we would not be anxious, but be able to work hard at what we have to do and trust God for our needs.

Please also pray for safety as Sandy flies his last few weeks here, and as we travel first to South Africa, and on to the UK to visit with family and friends, and take part in the last of our obligations to our supporters and co-workers in the UK. We will be travelling all of August and into September, returning to Australia on the 17th of September.

We will write again as we hit the road on our last furlough with MAF – until then, thanks again for all you do for us, but especially your prayers. We are so grateful to each one of you.

With Love,
Narelle, Sandy, Rachel and Megan Wilson
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Papua New Guinea


At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friend. I've read your blog, hence I'm humbled by your work. Thank you for your service to Papua New Guinea. MAF, thru its global ministry partnership have served the aviation in Papua New Guinea for many years.

God is good!

Marcello. (From, Gera Village, Chimbu Province, PNG)


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