Friday, August 03, 2007

Jet Lag and Road Trips

Our girls have got to be very good flyers.

Jet lagged parents, in transit.

Hello Friends.
Last night we arrived back in Melbourne, Australia after busy month traveling over South Africa. We caught up with a number of our supporting churches and loads of wonderful friends and of course, our family. On our way to Cape Town we stopped in Maseru, Lesotho for two nights to visit with some good friends there. It was a treat to catch up with people we used to work with down there.
Views on the road to Maseru, and in Maseru. View from our friends house.

Undoubtedly, the highlight of our trip was a relaxing week by the seaside down near Cape Town, where we stayed in a friends holiday house. Narelle was still busy with school with the girls each day, but our afternoons were spent by the sea. The kids spent hours chasing the waves and collecting seashells. Our house overlooked a bay where the whales come to stay for the winter, it was awesome to see these beautiful creatures playing and breaching in the surf. It was truly amazing. We came away feeling refreshed and rested.

Sandy's Mum Joyce, with our girls in Johannesburg


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