Sunday, September 09, 2007

Latest Prayer notes...

Hi Everyone, we are so happy to be back in our little home in Mt Hagen, especially after an interesting trip back. We had a 12 hour journey that due to delays, a missed flight (because of delays) and more delays took us 36 hours. The airlines put us up in Morsbey in a nice hotel, and provided food for the duration, so we came back not too badly traumatized :)

Here is our latest prayer notes...

Dear Friends,
Yesterday at lunch I ripped open a packed of dry pasta and dumped it into a pot of boiling water. As the water bubbled away, about 30 little dead weevils floated straight to the top. I smiled and thought, ‘ …yes, we are definitely back in Papua New Guinea’. Despite the weevils, it is wonderful to be back home again. Thanks to all who prayed for us while we were on the road these past two months.

Thanks also to all those who have prayed regarding the elections here in Papua New Guinea. There have been a few incidents of violence, but on the whole this election was declared fair and peaceful. Now that elections are over, things have quietened down in Mt Hagen, and we are back to the usual buzz and flow of city life.

We give thanks to God for peace in P.N.G over this time, and for his protection over our local staff and their families, and the M.A.F properties (our homes and the hangar and office facilities) over the election period.

Our time in South Africa and Australia went well, and although it is always hard living out of suitcases and trying to home school on the move, we really enjoyed the time we had with family and friends. Thank you to all who prayed for us while we travelled.

It is good to be back in our own home and busy again with life here. Sandy has got back into his work flying half the week, and helping out with the flights operation office the rest of the time. Operating in P.N.G provide never-ending challenges on just about every level. Please pray for Sandy, and the whole staff here as we deal with the often complicated obstacles to daily operations. Please pray for wisdom, patience and sensitivity to Gods leading. Please also continue to pray for safety in the air for our pilots.

I am back in the schoolroom with Rachel and Megan, and picking up on my M.A.F responsibilities. Some friends and I decided to start an informal ladies bible study, and I have offered to have it at our house one afternoon a week. Please pray that this would be an encouragement to the ladies that attend. While we were in Australia, I started some correspondence study that will qualify me as a Teachers Aide (to help me with home schooling, but hopefully also in aid of employment when we go back home one day). It is just a one-year course, but I am excited to shake the dust balls out of my brain, and enjoy the discipline of study again.
Please pray for Narelle, Rachel and Megan as they move around town and work at home, for safety and opportunity to serve our neighbors and encourage and support our fellow M.A.F workers.

We would love to hear from you, please let us know how we can pray for you.
With much love, and heartfelt thanks,
Narelle, Sandy, Rachel and Megan Wilson.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Papua New Guinea

"Pray that our God will make you fit for what he's called you to be, pray that he'll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy, so that it all amounts to something."
2 Thessalonians 1


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